Tuesday, March 15, 2011

File Formats Dictionary of World Starting with A

  • ABK Corel Draw AutoBackup
  • ACL Corel Draw 6 keyboard accelerator
  • ACM Used by Windows in the system directory
  • ACP Microsoft Office Assistant Preview file
  • ACT Microsoft Office Assistant Actor file
  • ACV OS/2 drivers that compress and decompress audio data
  • AD After Dark screensaver
  • ADB Appointment database used by HP 100LX organizer
  • ADD OS/2 adapter drivers used in the boot process
  • ADM After Dark MultiModule screensaver
  • ADP Used by FaxWorks to do setup for fax modem interaction
  • ADR After Dark Randomizer screensaver
  • AF2 ABC Flowchart file
  • AF3 ABC Flowchart file
  • AFM Adobe font metrics
  • AI Adobe Illustrator drawing
  • AIF Apple Mac AIFF sound
  • ALB JASC Image Commander album
  • ALL Arts & Letters Library
  • AMS Velvert Studio music module (MOD) file
  • ANC Canon Computer Pattern Maker file that is a selectable list of pattern colors
  • ANI Animated Cursor
  • ANS ANSI text
  • API Application Program Interface file; used by Adobe Acrobat
  • APR Lotus Approach 97 file
  • APS Microsoft Visual C++ file
  • ARC LH ARC (old version) compressed archive
  • ARJ Robert Jung ARJ compressed archive
  • ART Canon Crayola art file
  • ART Xara Studio drawing
  • ASA Microsoft Visual InterDev file
  • ASC ASCII text
  • ASD WinWord AutoSave
  • ASM Assembler language source file
  • ASP Active Server Page (an HTML file containing a Microsoft server-processed script)
  • ASP Procomm Plus setup and connection script
  • AST Claris Works "assistant" file
  • ATT AT&T Group 4 bitmap
  • AVI Microsoft Video for Windows movie
  • AWD FaxView document

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