Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sheet Tabs Navigation In Excel

If you created a large workbook in Microsoft Excel and having problem to navigate sheet tabs then, there is two solutions to this:
  1. Right click on one of the arrows to the left of the sheet tabs, a list will appear that contains the names of all the tabs in current workbook. You can then select a tab from the list and this will takes you to the tab.
  2. Use Ctrl + Page Down to move forward a worksheet.  Ctrl + Page Up moves backwards.  Ensure Num Lock is off.
Happy Navigation of Sheet Tabs!!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

File Formats Dictionary of World Starting with B

  • B4 Helix Nuts and Bolts file
  • BAK Backup file
  • BAS BASIC code
  • BAT Batch file
  • BFC Windows 95 Briefcase document
  • BG Backgammon for Windows game
  • BI Binary file
  • BIF GroupWise initialization file
  • BIN Binary file
  • BK Sometimes used to denote backup versions
  • BK$ Also sometimes used to denote backup versions
  • BKS An IBM BookManager Read bookshelf
  • BM1 Apogee BioMenace data file
  • BMK An A bookmark file
  • BMP Windows or OS/2 bitmap
  • BRX A file for browsing an index of multimedia options
  • BS1 Apogee Blake Stone data file
  • BSP Quake map
  • BTM Batch file used by Norton Utilities


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

File Formats Dictionary of World Starting with A

  • ABK Corel Draw AutoBackup
  • ACL Corel Draw 6 keyboard accelerator
  • ACM Used by Windows in the system directory
  • ACP Microsoft Office Assistant Preview file
  • ACT Microsoft Office Assistant Actor file
  • ACV OS/2 drivers that compress and decompress audio data
  • AD After Dark screensaver
  • ADB Appointment database used by HP 100LX organizer
  • ADD OS/2 adapter drivers used in the boot process
  • ADM After Dark MultiModule screensaver
  • ADP Used by FaxWorks to do setup for fax modem interaction
  • ADR After Dark Randomizer screensaver
  • AF2 ABC Flowchart file
  • AF3 ABC Flowchart file
  • AFM Adobe font metrics
  • AI Adobe Illustrator drawing
  • AIF Apple Mac AIFF sound
  • ALB JASC Image Commander album
  • ALL Arts & Letters Library
  • AMS Velvert Studio music module (MOD) file
  • ANC Canon Computer Pattern Maker file that is a selectable list of pattern colors
  • ANI Animated Cursor
  • ANS ANSI text
  • API Application Program Interface file; used by Adobe Acrobat
  • APR Lotus Approach 97 file
  • APS Microsoft Visual C++ file
  • ARC LH ARC (old version) compressed archive
  • ARJ Robert Jung ARJ compressed archive
  • ART Canon Crayola art file
  • ART Xara Studio drawing
  • ASA Microsoft Visual InterDev file
  • ASC ASCII text
  • ASD WinWord AutoSave
  • ASM Assembler language source file
  • ASP Active Server Page (an HTML file containing a Microsoft server-processed script)
  • ASP Procomm Plus setup and connection script
  • AST Claris Works "assistant" file
  • ATT AT&T Group 4 bitmap
  • AVI Microsoft Video for Windows movie
  • AWD FaxView document

Saturday, March 12, 2011

View Your Most Recently Deleted Files

By default, the Recycle Bin lists files alphabetically. However, when looking for accidentally deleted files, it’s more convenient to look at the files you’ve most recently deleted. To do so, click the Date Deleted column header. When you do, your latest deletion will appear at the top of the list.

Now control on Recycle Bin.


Catch The Cache In Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer Mobile Logo

Are you running out of space on your Windows hard drive partition? If so, there is a fair change that your Web Browser’s Internet cache/browsing history is taking up a good portion of your drive. If you have plenty of room on another drive then an option other than just cleaning everything out, is to actually move it to this other drive.

For Internet Explorer create a folder on the drive with plenty of space where you want the new cache/browsing history files to go. Now go Start Menu/Control Panel/Internet Option, in the general tab (Browsing History) click the Setting button. From here you can control the cache/browsing history properties. Click the Move folder button and select the drive, then the new folder and press Ok, and again and once more to fix the setting.

Happy Internet Browsing!